Honored to be one of the Austin Business Journal’s Top Agents in 2016! Congrats to all my fellow nominees and a sincere thank you to my clients for allowing me to serve you and your referrals!
Austin Business Journal – Top Producer 20162017-04-142017-04-14https://zilkercondosaustin.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/zilkcondo-logo-color.pngZilker Condos Austinhttps://zilkercondosaustin.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/zilkcondo-logo-color.png200px200px
Audra has been a leader in Austin’s real estate market for more than a decade with extensive sales and marketing experience in various aspects of residential real estate, including New Home Building, Downtown Condominiums, Urban Bungalows and Suburban Retreats.